Frequently Asked Question

Manage different status of the invoices
Last Updated 3 years ago

PamBill has preset processes for order management. After importing the Jimdo orders, the status of the orders is Imported. You can see this after clicking on "Invoices" in the top menu, in the overview.

The next step, after importing the invoices, is to set the status to Sent. This means that you have sent or printed the invoice(s). You do this easily by clicking on the gear icon to the far right of each order and selecting "Set to Sent" or "Set to Printed". Please keep in mind that you will need to do this for each individual order.

After that, the status of the order will go to Sent and will be highlighted orange. The next status is Paid - this status is also set using the gear icon on the right. Set the order to Paid once the payment process is complete.

Note: For credit card or PayPal payments, you can select this status immediately (but remember to send the invoice!).

Also note that once orders are marked as Paid, they cannot be deleted.

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