Frequently Asked Question

Export invoice data from PamBill in CSV format
Last Updated 3 years ago

PamBill supports a data export all or only selected invoices in CSV format.

The export is very simple: click on "Manage invoices" (bottom left) in the PamBill Dashboard. After that you will see the invoice list.

Below the screen you will see "Delete selected". In this toolbar you will see a button with a table icon on the far right. Use this to export all or only selected invoices. If you have not selected any invoices, all invoices will be exported.

As soon as you click on the icon, you will be offered a file. Save it e.g. on the desktop. After that you can open the file in Excel or another spreadsheet program. Note: In Excel you have to import the file via "Data" and "Get data", because Excel does not automatically recognize a CSV file when you open it.

The CSV file contains all the data for the invoices, including, for example, EU VAT numbers.

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