Frequently Asked Question

How do I delete invoices or customer data?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Invoices and customers can be easily deleted by clicking the gear icon to the right of the invoice or customer.

Click on "Invoices". Select the gear icon next to the invoice you want to delete and press "Delete invoice". This only works for invoices in the "Imported" status. Note: Once the status is "Sent" or "Paid", they cannot be deleted.

Invoices that have been deleted will be moved to the "Deleted" folder and will have a note on the invoice. Deleted invoices cannot be removed because PamBill must maintain sequential invoice numbering.

To delete a customer, click on "Customers." Select the gear icon next to the customer you want to delete and press "Delete customer". Note: However, if a customer has invoices in the "Sent" or "Paid" status, this customer cannot be deleted.

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